
Fearful Ages

One: Loud Noises
Two: Dogs
Three: Toilets
Four: Strangers
Five: Monsters
Six: Monsters
Seven: Bugs
Eight: The Dark
Nine: Ghosts
Ten: Being Kidnapped
Eleven: Coodies
Twelve: Puberty
Thirteen: Fitting In
Fourteen: Boys
Fifteen: Grades
Sixteen: Grades
Seventeen: Grades
Eighteen: Succeeding 


Beep... Beep... Beep

My heart beats for ocean water and three day weekends.

For melting ice cream and quality time.

beep.... beep... beep

For campfires and laughter.

For your wrinkled hands and your soft smile.

My heart beats for trial and error.

beep.... beep... beep

For hope and passion.

For adventure.

My heart beats for the ones who don't.

My heart beats for you.

beep.... beep... beep


I don't need your bricks.

I don't need your bricks.
Your pity parties or your strong opinions.
I don't need your judgment or your approval. I don't care if you don't like the decisions I make or the way I live my life.

Take your bricks and build a wall someplace else.



Do you really mean it if you only give me the first letter of each word?

What is Love?

How do we know what love is?

It's the t.v. shows and the movies and the magazines that scream love is beach house getaways, hot red lipstick, dangerous excursions, and perfect affairs.

It's books that whisper endless and unwavering. Flawless gentlemen and happily ever afters.

It's music that cries magical, sweet, lovely, and betrayal.

It's social media that sings pretty and perfect and exciting.

It's our parents.

They show us arguments and hard work. Flowers on February 14th and chocolates on May 8th. They show us compromise and cuddles. Surprise gifts and service. Others show us loud fights and deep grudges. Stubborn points and ignored favors.

Love isn't always rainbows and butterflies, it's compromise that moves us along.
-Maroon 5, She Will Be Loved


I am not a robot. Because I don't listen. I don't listen. I create. 

I don't know how to start this prompt. That's proof of my humanity.

I'm not a robot. I cry, I laugh, I grow. Math is a foreign language to me. I heal... slowly. My feelings are hurt. I can feel the sunshine on my face. I don't always follow commands. I enjoy licking ice cream on a hot summer day. One time I crashed.

 But, aren't we kind of like robots? At least a little? And aren't they kind of like us?

We both have to recharge our battery everyday. Sometimes we both have to replace broken or well used parts of our bodies. We both learn. We both become outdated and one day we die. Plus, we wake up and do almost the same thing everyday.

The difference between a robot and a human is that we have the power to change our lives.