
Reach Your Peak

I don't want to "reach my peak."

What if I think that whatever I just accomplished was the highest possibility and it really wasn't? That would suck. I'd rather just keep trying to succeed and reach my goals until I literally can't anymore. Let's just say "Reach your goals," that's better. That way we're always trying and succeeding.

"If you develop the habits of success, success will become a habit." -A very smart fortune cookie


Dear Kids,

I love you.

But you better put your stuff away, brush your teeth, make your bed, and do your homework without complaining.

Girls, if a boy doesn't ask you to a dance, don't freak out. It's just high school. Real dating comes afterwards. Work hard, but don't turn down fun opportunities and overwhelm yourself. Be nice. Include everyone. Laugh at everything. Read your scriptures and say your prayers. Listen to your dad. Get a job and start saving for college.

Boys, you better ask to every dance. I'll help with expenses if you need. Work hard and do your homework right when you get home. Don't sell yourself short. Try out for anything you enjoy or want to try. Dress nicely. Study your scriptures and say your prayers. Protect your younger siblings. Get a job and save for college.



Different Quote

Being different isn't a bad thing.
It means you're brave enough to be yourself.

-Luna Lovegood 

If you come with me...

She said:
You can have a white Christmas. There won't be any yelling. You can start fresh at a new school and throw snow balls at your crush. There will be more people with our beliefs.

He said:
Don't leave. What about your friends? What about your brothers and sisters? I won't see you as much. I can't tuck you in anymore. We might grow apart. We've already paid for your schooling. This is wrong. Goodbye.

I said:
I love you.  Goodbye.

I had my white Christmas. The yelling didn't stop, but it grew less effective. I've never thrown a snowball at a crush. My friends and I are still very close. I see you less but we never grew apart. You were refunded. This was right. Thank you, I love you still.

Define Child:

A young human being under the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority
A son or daughter of any age
An immature or irresponsible person
A person who has little or no experience in a particular area
One strongly influenced by another or by a place or state of affairs
A person 14 years or younger

Why would we want to be a child? We don't. We want to think like a child. There's a difference.


The Hat Shop

Some people assume a hat won't fit, but they've never tried it on. Just because you wear a helmet doesn't mean you can't hold a paint brush at the same time.

I have lots of hats. I wear the hat of a sister, a daughter, a friend, a student, a hard worker, a procrastinator, a dreamer, a doer, etc. Some I wear more than others. Some of my hats tell stories. They tell people about the places I've been, what I like to do, and the sports teams I support.

Here are a few of the hats I wear:

-Hard Worker              -Leader
-Writer                         -Adventurer            
-Rifle Marksmen         -Latter Day Saint
-Chess                         -Cork Collector  
-Artist                          -Shy
-Procrastinator            -Funny
-Daring                       -Daring

Hats I want to try on:

-Skydiver                           -Drummer
-World Traveler                 -Race Car Driver
-Surfer                               -Roller Skater
-Cook                                -Yoga
-Gardener                          -Bilingual