You might know that I’m a twin, I’m on student council, I moved from San Diego, CA in seventh grade, and that I laugh at everything.
But you don’t know that my parents divorced when I was three, being a twin can suck, and most of us didn’t join student council to put it on a college application, we actually care.
If you knew me, you would know that my favorite color is dark blue and that I could spend a good 30 minutes showing you pictures and videos of my cat.
You would know that I prefer living by the ocean and visiting the mountains and that when I go skiing, I go straight down the hill because I feel like I’m flying.
You would know that I’m super outgoing, but overthink everything.
You would know that I collect corks, but haven’t done anything with them.
You would know that my mom and step dad are pilots and that flying makes me nervous.
You would know that I suck at texting and would prefer calling.
You would know that I love dancing, but I’ve never been asked to a dance.
You would know how much I love movies and that anytime you watch a movie with me, I will be paying close attention the camera angles and script pretty much the whole time.
You would know that I want to travel the world and make a difference.
You would know that I have bad circulation so my hand/feet are always cold and I have headaches all the time (I should probably drink more water too).
You would know that I love history and old things.
You would know that I don’t want to care what other people think, but it’s really hard not to.
You would know that I would love to get to know you, any of you. You would know that I love meeting new people.
Let’s get to know each other.